Piotr Litwin


About me

Piotr is a lawyer and certified tax advisor (license no 09956). His main specialization is indirect taxation. In particular, he works for the clients from construction and real estate industry. 

Professional experience 

Piotr has graduated from Law and Administration Faculty of the University of Wrocław and started his professional carrier in so-called “Big Four” companies. He also worked in a Warsaw branch of one of the largest international law firms, spent over 5 years in a leading consulting company with Polish capital and finally became one of the founding members of Enodo in 2011. Since 2003, he has been a tax advisor. 

Experience related to indirect taxation. Piotr addresses the issues encompassing: 

  • analysis of international supply chains regarding VAT effectiveness;
  • litigation proceedings which includes representing clients before the National Administrative Court in Poland;
  • support in obtaining VAT refunds and preparation for these;
  • ongoing advisory for clients from construction and real estate industry; 
  • VAT audits (incl. numerous due diligence audits in parts related to VAT) and projects connected with changes in Polish law designed to its adaptation to EU law;
  • VAT settlements incl. tax representative services. 

Lectures and publications 

Piotr has conducted workshop and training for the clients multiple times, in particular on indirect taxes. 

Piotr is a co-author of the first commentary to the EU VAT Directive published on the Polish market and an author of numerous articles in Polish (e.g. Przegląd Podatkowy, Monitor Podatkowy, and Jurysdykcja Podatkowa) and international (International Tax Review) tax press. In years 2018-2019 and 2021-2024, he was ranked as one of the 5 best VAT specialists in Poland in “Rzeczpospolita” tax advisory ranking. Since 2018, he has been classified by International Tax Review / World of Tax as “Highly recommended” in indirect taxation field in Poland.