SENT and fuel regulations 

SENT and fuel regulations 

The process of sealing the tax system was naturally connected with imposing several new obligations on business entities. Compliance with them was subject to high, and sometimes even draconian, administrative penalties.  Another crucial aspect is that these obligations were assumed not only by the entities from excise industries but also  all other entities using excise goods or other products which were deemed by the legislator as potentially exposed to the risk of abuse including i.a. entities from chemical, automotive, cosmetic or even food industry. 

Among so-called packages sealing the tax system, the following should be first and foremost mentioned: 

  • transport package i.e. regulations regarding monitoring transportation of goods (so-called SENT system), 
  • energetic package, i.e. obligations related to delivery of liquid fuels and products equalized with them, and 
  • fuel package, implementing a separate scheme for the settlement of VAT on intracommunity acquisition of motor fuels. 

We support our Clients in identification and fulfilment of all the obligations mentioned above. We offer our assistance in obtaining fuel license, entry in the register of delivering entities (RPP) and entry in the register of producers and traders. 

We monitor changes in regulations, conduct trainings and tax-legal audits. We create internal procedures. 

If necessary, we protect our Clients from imposition of administrative penalties while representing them during inspections and proceedings conducted by i.a. tax authorities, the President of Energy Regulatory Office (URE) and the President of Government Agency for Strategic Reserves (RARS). 

Do you need someone who carefully analyzes, checks carefully and looks for a solution until he finds it?