Andrzej Wapowski
About me
Andrzej is a lawyer. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw (summa cum laude) as well as the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of the University of Warsaw. Andrzej is an attorney-at-law, completed legal advisory training at Warsaw Bar Association.
Professional experience
Andrzej started his professional career in 2012 in one of so-called “Big Four” companies. He provided advisory services for Polish and international companies, with special emphasis on issues related to corporate income tax, including international taxation and the issues of tax and court proceedings.

In 2016 Andrzej joined the Enodo Advisors team. In his professional activity, he specializes in conducting proceedings before tax authorities, legal representation before administrative courts and defense in criminal cases (fiscal penal cases). He has also experience in advisory on transactions and preparation tax opinions and commentaries. He represents clients before tax authorities and administrative courts in cases relating to tax liabilities (excluding excise duty) whose value often exceeds several dozen million PLN.
He has led projects related to tax planning, restructuring and transactions of sale or purchase of specific assets in an effective and tax-secure manner. He also deals with succession planning, including full assistance in establishing a family foundation (private trust). He has practical experience and competence in preparing and negotiating civil law contracts. Combines legal, tax and business skills.
Industry specialization
Andrzej provided services, inter alia, to companies from the energy sector (including fuel), construction sector, real estate sector, HoReCa, pharmaceutical industry and entities providing financial services (including investment funds).
Presentations and publications
Andrzej is the author and co-author of a number of publications and commentaries in the industry as well as business press in the area of taxes.