Piotr Litwin
About me
Piotr is an attorney at law and a certified tax advisor (license no. 09956). His primary area of expertise is indirect taxation. He works mainly with clients in the construction and real estate sectors.
Professional experience
Piotr earned his degree from the Law and Administration Faculty of the University of Wrocław. He then began his professional career at one of Big Four companies. He also worked in a Warsaw branch of one of the largest international law firms and spent over five years in a leading consulting company with Polish capital. In 2011, he became one of the founding members of Enodo. Since 2003, he has been a tax advisor.

Experience related to indirect taxation. Piotr professional expertise encompasses the following areas:
Lectures and publications
Piotr has extensive experience conducting workshops and training sessions for clients, with a focus on indirect taxes.
He is a co-author of the first commentary to the EU VAT Directive published on the Polish market and an author of numerous articles in Polish (e.g., Przegląd Podatkowy, Monitor Podatkowy, and Jurysdykcja Podatkowa) and international (International Tax Review) tax press. In the years 2018-2019 and 2021-2024, he was recognized as one of the top five VAT specialists in Poland by Rzeczpospolita, a leading Polish daily newspaper and business publication. Since 2018, he has been consistently recognized by International Tax Review/World of Tax as a leading indirect tax expert in Poland.