Excise tax
Ongoing advisory
We advise and support companies which business activity is subject to excise regime.
A correct fulfilment of excise obligations requires not only a comprehensive expertise in tax regulations but also business specificity of respective excise industries and a wide interdisciplinary knowledge.
We possess many years of experience in service of the biggest entities from excise industries. We provide a comprehensive advisory to the entities which need support in structuring and executing domestic and international transactions which regard excise goods or passenger cars as well as in terms of issues related to production and logistics.
Securing tax and penal fiscal risk
Individual tax rulings and binding excise information (WIA)
We identify potential tax and penal fiscal risks resulting from erroneous application of excise regulations including such connected with the possibility of questioning by tax authorities the correctness of classification of goods used by the Clients for the purposes of excise tax.
Where a substantive justification can be found, we prepare applications for binding excise information and individual tax rulings along with representing the Clients in proceedings conducted by the Head of National Tax Administration.
We design and implement adequate internal procedures and provide assistance in preparing documentation supporting the position of the Client in the event of a possible inspection (so-called defence file).
Excise audits
Excise registrations, tax warehouse and other excise exemptions
We assist in commencing and expanding business activity of excise entities giving them aid in both obtaining necessary permissions and creating suitable internal procedures with training of employees. We advise i.a. in:
Verification of the use of exemptions and reduces excise rates
We guarantee smooth conducting tax audits encompassing multilateral verification of the correctness of excise settlements, compliance of internal procedures with requirements resulting from excise regulations and identification of tax and penal fiscal risk areas.
We assess and secure tax risk connected with sales, purchase and utilization of goods exempted from excise tax and energy goods taxed with zero rate.
We represent the Clients in meetings with heads of tax offices and tax-customs offices as well as in proceedings run by tax authorities.
Assistance in implementation of electronic tools and service of tax administration systems
Due to the ongoing digitalization of tax authorities, a possibility to fulfill many excise obligations in paper has been or will be excluded in the near future. Hence, we offer assistance to the Clients i.a. in terms of:
Industry regulations
In our work, we share a practical experience with the Clients related to regulations regarding the turnover of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products including innovative products and e-cigarettes (and liquids for them) as well as other industry regulations concerning the activity of excise industries.
We identify and secure law and financial risk obtaining individual tax rulings and written positions of competent authorities including i.a. the President of URE, the President of RARS, the President of the Bureau for Chemical Substances and respective ministries.
Regulatory advisory
We provide opinions on draft legal acts in terms of excise tax and regulations related to excise, we present positions of the Clients during public consultations and the entire legislative process.
We design requests for changes in regulations and prepare regulatory reports.