Fuel industry

Fuel industry

As part of the current practice, our advisors have gained a wide experience in the service of entities from the fuel industry which involves specific tax and legal problems connected with the importation, production and domestic distribution of fuels and petroleum products.

Our Clients are both the domestic trading entities and the international concerns including operators of fuel station chains. 

The scope of the projects executed by us and services provided for the entities from the fuel industry include i.a.: 

  • support in determining the VAT implications of cross-border crude oil transmission; 
  • internal trainings on excise tax for employees of a large producer of fuels and petroleum products; 
  • support in obtaining the entry into the registry of entities importing liquid fuels and OPC and OPZ license as well as fulfilling obligations towards the President of the Energy Regulatory Office and the President of the Government Agency for Strategic Reserves, including the service of Fuel Platform; 
  • support for heating fuels suppliers in the field of excise tax, SENT and energy law issues; 
  • preparing opinion on excise tax and SENT issues connected with donations and cross-border transport of fuels and petroleum products; 
  • providing opinions on excise tax issues regarding to the production of fuel components in the recycling process; 
  • assistance and representation in proceedings regarding fines imposed by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office; 
  • providing opinions on VAT issues related to triangular transactions in importation of fuels for a large distributor/operator of the chain of fuel stations; 
  • preparing opinion on the obligations and risk connected with conducting public customs warehouse and applying customs procedures during the transmission and storage of crude oil;  
  • support in the process connected with yearly CIT settlement of a Client conducting an extensive chain of fuel stations (tax audit); 
  • support in determining tax implications of a competition/motivation programme for employees of own and franchise fuel stations; 
  • comprehensive service of the transformation process from limited liability company into joint stock company for a Client from the fuel industry; 
  • tax support in dispute between partners of a company from the fuel industry; 
  • preparing transfer pricing documentation for an entity from the fuel industry; 
  • ownership restructuring for an entity from the fuel industry taking into account a division of the enterprise into wholesale trade in biofuels, fuels, LPG and shared service centre serving other entities. 

Do you need someone who carefully analyzes the fuel industry and looks for a solution until it finds one?